
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) 

Our team have extensive experience implementing both service wide PBS and individual PBS, across England. We are proud of the impactful and meaningful changes we have made in the lives of our clients. We have implemented PBS throughout various settings such as residential homes, private homes, educational settings, hospitals and more. We have coached clients, teaching assistants, support workers, managers, care staff, teachers, parents, siblings, multi disciplinary team members and more, to successfully implement positive behaviour support strategies. 

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) 

Our team are exceptionally skilled at creating and implementing bespoke packages which focus on increasing skills in areas such as play, communication, gross and fine motor, imitation, toileting and much more. Empathy and compassion is at the heart of our packages. Our goal is to make sessions fun, fun, fun - the child won't realise they are learning important life skills! We have coached parents, teaching assistants, teachers, principals, speech & language therapists, occupational therapists and more, to successfully teach skills using the principles of behaviour analysis.